Zennobox – project management

Zennolab panel, zennobox license manager #

This is the control panel for your licenses, here you can always download the latest version of Zenobox with Telegram Kit 2 and change the PC for the license.

Link: userarea.zennolab.com/lk/userarea/UserCustomer.aspx

ZennoBox system requirements #

What PC need for telegram kit 2? Spec PC required for Zennobox? Telegram kit 2 is not demanding on PC resources. But if you want speed, then your PC should have at least 8GB of RAM.

Minimum Requirements
Processor: Intel or AMD, 2 cores, at least 1.5 GHz each core
RAM: at least 2048 MB
Operating System: Windows 7 and later
.Net Framework: 3.5 and 4.5+ (not lower than 4.6.2 for the latest versions)
Visual C ++ redistributable: 2008, 2010, 2013 x86 or x64 depending on the bitness of the operating system
Administrator rights to install and run the program
Internet: required
Microsoft Excel
Python only for scraper groups

Recommended Requirements
Processor: 8-16 Intel or AMD cores
RAM: 8-16 GB
Hard Drive: SSD
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit and later
.Net Framework: 4.6.2 or higher
Visual C ++ redistributable: 2008, 2010, 2013
Direct X 9+
Administrator rights to install and run the program
Internet: required
Microsoft Excel
Python only for scraper groups

What is it Zennobox? #

zennobox telegram kit 2
zennobox with Telegram Kit 2 project

ZennoBox is the main application designed to execute automated action Telegram kit 1,2 (bots) in the browser. This application allows you to control flows when executing projects, use various proxies for your Telegram kit 1,2, and also has a built-in scheduler for executing projects on a schedule.

IMPORTANT! 1 zennobox license can working on 1 PC in same time, if you want transfer program on another PC you need login your zennolab panel and in section hardware delete old PC.

Download Zennobox #

After the purchase, the Zenobox license, along with the telegram projects kit 1 or kit 2, will be displayed in your panel – https://userarea.zennolab.com/lk/userarea/UserCustomer.aspx

zennolab panel
for download mirror 1 or 2

To download Zennobox you always have 2 mirrors available. Zennobox size ~597 mb.

Installation Zennobox #

zennobox first

Accepting terms and click install.

install path zennobox

I do not recommend changing paths


Enter the login and password of your zennolab account.

usually installation take 2 minutes
Installation completed

Now can do first start Zennobox

Reinstall Zennobox #

For reinstall zennobox license you need delete old PC in your zennolab panel – https://userarea.zennolab.com/lk/userarea/UserAddHardware.aspx

Open section HARDWARE and click delete

After you have removed the old PC, you can install the license on the new PC.