Good afternoon. In the latest update, a new additional authorization mode for telegram accounts has been added. This account verification process has greatly accelerated, for that part of users who open accounts on a smartphone, and then transfer them to the telegram kit 2 program. See how it works in this video.
I want to note right away that there is no need to first write down the phone numbers of our accounts in the table with profiles, as in the regular authorization mode.

In the setting, select the authorization mode – Yes, and select the option authorization by QR code, Also in the profiles field, you must select the table where our profiles will be recorded.

For this mode, you will need to activate the instance in the program in order to see the QR code that appears in telegrams

Next, to start the program, press “start” and add the number of attempts (this is the number of accounts that we want to add to the program)

As we can see, a small pop-up window with 2 buttons appeared and the program opened the telegram web, now on the smartphone you need to open the section with active sessions and select the “QR code” option and now point the smartphone camera at the QR code on the screen.

we repeat the whole process as many times as necessary, and at the end all accounts will be saved in the table with profiles, ready for use.